Plot Log-Likelihood function of the model
plot_logLik(x, sets, ...)
# S3 method for aphylo
plot_logLik(x, sets, ...)
# S3 method for formula
plot_logLik(x, sets, ...)
# S3 method for aphylo_estimates
plot_logLik(x, sets, ...)
An object of class aphylo()
(optional) Character matrix of size 2 x # of combinations
contains the names of the pairs to plot. If nothing passed, the function will
generate all possible combinations as combn(names(params), 2)
Aditional parameters to be passed to plotfun
NULL (invisible). Generates a plot of the loglikelihood of the model.
# Loading data
O <- new_aphylo(fakeexperiment[,2:3], tree = as.phylo(faketree))
# Baseline plot (all parameters but Pi)
# No psi parameter
plot_logLik(O ~ mu_d + Pi + eta)