Multiavariate plot (surface)
A function that receives 2 or more parameters and returns a single number.
Numeric vector with the default parameters.
(optional) Named list with as many elements as parameters. Specifies the domain of the function.
(optional) Character matrix of size 2 x # of combinations
contains the names of the pairs to plot. If nothing passed, the function will
generate all possible combinations as combn(names(params), 2)
Integer. Number of levels.
List of named arguments to be passed to fun
Function that will be used to plot x,y,z
Logical. When FALSE
skips plotting.
Function to be called after plotfun
. Should recieve a vector
with the current parameters.
Passed to graphics::par.
Further arguments passed to plotfun
A list of length length(sets)
, each with the following:
x,y,z vectors of coordinates.
xlab,ylab vectors with the corresponding labels.
# Example: A model with less parameters
x <- raphylo(20)
ans <- aphylo_mcmc(
x ~ psi + mu_d + mu_s,
control = list(nsteps = 1e3, burnin = 0)
#> Warning: While using multiple chains, a single initial point has been passed via `initial`: c(0.1, 0.05, 0.9, 0.5, 0.1, 0.05). The values will be recycled. Ideally you would want to start each chain from different locations.
#> No convergence yet (steps count: 1000). Gelman-Rubin's R: 1.8467. Trying with the next bulk.
#> No convergence reached after 1000 steps (100 final count of samples).
# Creating the multivariate plot (using by default image)
function(...) {
ans$fun(unlist(list(...)), priors = ans$priors, dat = ans$dat, verb_ans = FALSE)
sets = matrix(c("mu_d0", "mu_d1", "psi0", "psi1"), ncol=2),
params = ans$par