After submission, the functions of type Slurm_*apply generate log files, one per each job in the job array. The Slurm_log function can be used to check the log files of jobs in the array that failed.

Slurm_log(x, which. = NULL, cmd = NULL)



An object of class slurm_job.


An integer scalar. The number of the array job to check. This should range between 1 and x$njobs.


Character scalar. The name of the command to use to call view the log file. Default to less when interactive mode, otherwise cat (see details).


Whatever the command-line call returns.


If other than less is used, then the function will try to check by calling cmd --version. If returns with error, it assumes the function is not available. Using the cmd argument only works in interactive mode.

See also

Other post submission: Slurm_clean(), Slurm_collect(), status()

Other utilities: Slurm_clean(), Slurm_env(), WhoAmI(), parse_flags(), snames(), status()


if (FALSE) {
x <- Slurm_EvalQ(slurmR::whoami(), plan = "wait")
Slurm_log(x) # Checking the R log