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Week 9

Practice Consultations II

➤ This week we will perform some more complex role-playing exercises.

➤ We will also learn about developing a statistical consulting "brand."

➤ There is an optional section on personality types. Knowing our own personality type and that of others can help us to have more productive collaborations with investigators.

Before Class

Marketing your Business

📖 Statistical Consulting Clients: How to Get and Keep Them (5 minutes)

  1. Do you currently have access to networking resources you could use to start a business? If so, what are these? If not, how could you go about creating connections that could help you?

Qualities for Statistical Consultants

📖 What to Expect When You Consult A Statistician (20 minutes)
Pay attention to the 11 qualities listed in Section 1.D. (What to look for in a statistical consultant).

  1. How well do you think you fit each of these qualities?
  2. Rank these qualities from 1 to 11, where 1 indicates that you align with this quality the most, and 11 the least.
  3. How do you think you can improve the qualities you are less comfortable with?

Personality TYpes

📖 Myers-Briggs Personality Test

  1. What personality type were you?
  2. What aspects of the results make sense to you, and what aspects were you surprised by?

📖 How Each Personality Type Likes to Communicate

  1. Do you think that the tips provided for your personality type in the “How Each Personality Type Likes to Communicate” document are correct? Is there anything you would add to the information they present?

Slack Assignment

Tell ChatGPT the following things:

  • The top qualities you listed.
  • Your Myers-Briggs personality type.
  • How your personality type likes to communicate.
  • Ask it to create a "brand" for you.

Based on these responses, come up with your "brand." Post in Slack a description of your brand, a slogan, and another piece of information about it.

During Class


  1. Think of the person with whom you consulted today. What personality type do you think they are?
  2. How would knowing their personality type change how you might approach interacting with them?