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Week 1


➤ This week we will practice how to improve communication during a consultation, ask good questions, and build rapport with the client.

Before Class

Opening Up to Others

🎥 Active Listening (7 minutes)

  1. List 2 things somebody would do if they were not actively listening.
  2. List 2 things somebody should do in order to engage in active listening.

Breakdowns in Communication

đź“– Relationships & Interactions (8 minutes)

  1. What are the 5 recommended steps as part of a statistical consulting interaction?

đź“– Tips That'll Make Others Open Up To You (6 minutes)

  1. You will see that several themes from the prior readings appear in this article. That said, what are three key pieces of advice you will take from this week?

Supplemental Readings

đź“– Textbook Chapters 2.1, 2.2

In Class

Communication Exercise

Quality statistical consulting happens when there is a connection between the statistician and collaborator. One of the ways to facilitate this connection is the asking of “good questions” – those that are open-ended and allow the client a chance to tell their story freely.

Ask your partner one of the following questions:

  • Have your partner share one of their favorite recipes with you. Ask them why they like that recipe. Be sure you know enough about the recipe that you would feel comfortable re-creating it yourself.

  • Ask your partner about their favorite hobby. Ask them why they enjoy this hobby, about how long it has been their hobby, and how often they participate in it. Be sure you know enough about their hobby that you can explain it to others.

  • Have your partner explain to you what they wanted to be when they grew up. Ask them why they wanted to go into this profession, and why they ended up choosing to study what they did. Be sure you know enough about their career passions that you can explain them to others.

  • Ask your partner about their favorite movie or television show. Have them explain the plot to you and ask them what aspects of the show they like the best. Make sure you know enough about the plot that you can explain it to others, as well as why it is a great show or movie.


Think back on your interaction with your partner today. What strategies did you use to get your partner to open up to you? Of these, which did you find most effective?