In the Sankey diagram, each node either represents a variable (exposure, omics or outcome) or a latent cluster. Each line represents an association. The color of the node represents variable type, either exposure, omics or outcome. The width of the line represents the effect size of a certain association; the color of the line represents the direction of a certain association.
G_color = "dimgray",
X_color = "#eb8c30",
Z_color = "#2fa4da",
Y_color = "#afa58e",
pos_link_color = "#67928b",
neg_link_color = "#d1e5eb",
fontsize = 7
- x
A LUCID model fitted by
- G_color
Color of node for exposure
- X_color
Color of node for latent cluster
- Z_color
Color of node for omics data
- Y_color
Color of node for outcome
- pos_link_color
Color of link corresponds to positive association
- neg_link_color
Color of link corresponds to negative association
- fontsize
Font size for annotation
if (FALSE) {
# prepare data
G <- sim_data$G
Z <- sim_data$Z
Y_normal <- sim_data$Y_normal
Y_binary <- sim_data$Y_binary
cov <- sim_data$Covariate
# plot lucid model
fit1 <- est_lucid(G = G, Z = Z, Y = Y_normal, CoY = NULL, family = "normal",
K = 2, seed = 1008)
# change node color
plot_lucid(fit1, G_color = "yellow")
plot_lucid(fit1, Z_color = "red")
# change link color
plot_lucid(fit1, pos_link_color = "red", neg_link_color = "green")