Generate R
bootstrap replicates of LUCID parameters and
derive confidence interval (CI) base on bootstrap. Bootstrap replicates are
generated based on nonparameteric resampling, implemented by ordinary
method of codeboot::boot function.
- G
Exposures, a numeric vector, matrix, or data frame. Categorical variable should be transformed into dummy variables. If a matrix or data frame, rows represent observations and columns correspond to variables.
- Z
Omics data, a numeric matrix or data frame. Rows correspond to observations and columns correspond to variables.
- Y
Outcome, a numeric vector. Categorical variable is not allowed. Binary outcome should be coded as 0 and 1.
- CoG
Optional, covariates to be adjusted for estimating the latent cluster. A numeric vector, matrix or data frame. Categorical variable should be transformed into dummy variables.
- CoY
Optional, covariates to be adjusted for estimating the association between latent cluster and the outcome. A numeric vector, matrix or data frame. Categorical variable should be transformed into dummy variables.
- model
A LUCID model fitted by
.- conf
A numeric scalar between 0 and 1 to specify confidence level(s) of the required interval(s).
- R
An integer to specify number of bootstrap replicates for LUCID model. If feasible, it is recommended to set R >= 1000.
A list, containing the following components:
- beta
effect estimate for each exposure
- mu
cluster-specific mean for each omics feature
- gamma
effect estiamte for the association btween latent cluster and outcome
- bootstrap
object returned byboot:boot
if (FALSE) {
# use simulated data
G <- sim_data$G
Z <- sim_data$Z
Y_normal <- sim_data$Y_normal
# fit lucid model
fit1 <- est_lucid(G = G, Z = Z, Y = Y_normal, family = "normal", K = 2,
seed = 1008)
# conduct bootstrap resampling
boot1 <- boot_lucid(G = G, Z = Z, Y = Y_normal, model = fit1, R = 100)
# check distribution for bootstrap replicates of the variable of interest
plot(boot1$bootstrap, 1)
# use 90% CI
boot2 <- boot_lucid(G = G, Z = Z, Y = Y_normal, model = fit1, R = 100, conf = 0.9)