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  • Yinqi Zhao. Author, maintainer.

  • David Conti. Thesis advisor.

  • Jesse Goodrich. Contributor.

  • Cheng Peng. Contributor.


Source: inst/CITATION

Cheng Peng, Jun Wang, Isaac Asante, Stan Louie, Ran Jin, Lida Chatzi, Graham Casey, Duncan C Thomas, David V Conti (2019). A latent unknown clustering integrating multi-omics data (LUCID) with phenotypic traits. Bioinformatics, btz667. URL

  title = {A latent unknown clustering integrating multi-omics data (LUCID) with phenotypic traits},
  author = {{Peng} and {Cheng} and {Wang} and {Jun} and {Asante} and {Isaac} and {Louie} and {Stan} and {Jin} and {Ran} and {Chatzi} and {Lida} and {Casey} and {Graham} and {Thomas} and Duncan C and {Conti} and David V},
  journal = {Bioinformatics},
  year = {2019},
  issn = {1367-4803},
  url = {},

Yinqi Zhao and David V Conti (2022). LUCIDus: an R package to implement the LUCID model. CRAN. R package version 2.2 URL

  title = {LUCIDus: an R package to implement the LUCID model},
  author = {Yinqi Zhao and David V Conti},
  publisher = {CRAN},
  year = {2022},
  note = {2.2.0},
  url = {},